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Pollution of earth

 Hello guys today the topic is about earth as we know that the earth is getting polluted day by day so in this topic i will explain to you the harms of polluting earth.

Increasing pollution day by day: As we know that today pollution is increasing fastely so as we all know that there are three types of pollution: land pollution, water pollution and air pollution as we know that these all are harmful for us which are able to kill us.

Air pollution: it is the pollution which is in the air it spread by many reason 

like : cars pollution, burning plastic, burning material, etc . It is the cause of many people's death.

Water pollution: it is the pollution which is in the water it has many dangerous bacteria it spread by many reason it can cause many diseases it also take life of many innocent living being it is spread by many reasons Like : factory pollution, throwing waste in water, etc 

Land pollution : it is the pollution which is on the land it harm many living being it spreads by many reason like : throwing waste, not recycle waste , etc

These all pollution are really very dangerous it take life from many innocent living being and it become cause of cancer and at last many living being die.


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