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Culture of netherland

 Hey everybody.....

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today our topic is about netherland culture:

There are dutch people mainly live in netherland. first of all i am going to share something about dutch people.

dutch: Dutch people are usually very open, friendly and welcoming. In the Netherlands, only parents and children live together. In general, they do not live with grandparents, aunts, and uncles. During meals, Dutch families usually share their adventures of the day. In the Netherlands, the Dutch have a “work hard, play hard” mentality. For them, there's a time and a place for everything. When looking at this country as a whole, their culture and lifestyle can be described as “nette”, which translates to “neat"

Is netherland country good for live: The Netherlands is a top spot for expat families because of its education system. The Netherlands has an exceptional education system, which is made even easier for expat families due to the ease of integrating a child within. This is especially so if your child speaks English.

Some important thing about neatherland : 

size of netherland = 41,543 km²

location of neatherland Western Europe, bordering the North Sea, between Belgium and Germany.

Rank of neatherland in population : 69th rank which cover 0.22% of world population 

some important company from netherland One of the Netherlands' leading economic industries is the chemical sector. This includes world leading Dutch chemical companies such as AkzoNobel, BASF and Royal Dutch Shell

favourite dance of netherland : The traditional dance is the Dutch folk dance

favourite food of netherland : top 10 food of netherland

1. Poffertjes
2. Hollandse nieuwe
3. Pannenkoeken
4. Sate
5. Stamppot
6. Oliebollen
7. Erwtensoep
8. Bamischijf
9. Bitterballen
10. Appeltaart
here is the map of netherland : 



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