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Lungs all part with essay


Breathing me in, I come in through the nose. Quickly, I go through throat and into a tube. In one of the lungs I go through the bronchi. I get absorb by cell bodies with nutrients and turns into energy. I get used by a human body so they won’t die. The respiratory system makes the heart pump blood and oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, and exhaled while getting rid of waste.
    The steps of the air entering our lungs. First, the air enters our body through our nose or mouth. Next, the air passes through our throat, in our throat there are the pharynx and the larynx (voice box). Finally, air passes into the trachea (strong tube) witch divides into two branches (bronchi). Before the air enters your body it has to go through three steps.
     The air is now in the lungs. First, the bronchi leads the air to a air sac called alveoli. Next, the alveoli is surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Then, in the capillaries, oxygen in the air enters the blood, in the capillaries carbon dioxide leaves the blood then it enters alveoli. Finally, CO2 is exhaled.
    Cellular respiration happens in animal cell in the whole body. First, in the capillaries blood cells absorbs oxygen from the air in the alveoli. Secondly, nutrients and oxygen exits out of the body cell and goes into other body cells. Third, carbon dioxide and HO2 exits from the body cells, then it goes back into the blood cells in the capillaries. To be oxygenated the capillaries takes carbon dioxide-rich cells back to the lungs. In the whole body is where cellular respiration happens.
    The body needs oxygen to do things to make it survive. The body need oxygen and nutrients to make energy. Without oxygen the heart won’t pump blood. What else would happen if the heart won’t pump blood?
 lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax). The trachea (windpipe) conducts inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches, called bronchi. The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic. 


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